Monday, October 11, 2010

Alley Trash

In this picture we see the basic trash bin that litter the Boston alleys.  Although these are kept in order, the trash that surrounds these bins is the main problem.  Boston needs enforce litter clean up or else the city will become a dump.

In this picture we how Boston lacks recycling.  This picture was taken by a building being renovated on Commonwealth Avenue.  There was no system of recycling, there was plastic bottles, boxes, plastic bags all the other trash that accumulated from this project and majority of these things could have been recycled and helped our planet. 
This picture was taken behind a frat house in an alley; there were piles like these all over the place.  Solo cups, broken forks, and beer bottles shoved in the corners of parking spots makes Boston seem wasteful and makes the values of the beautiful homes go down.
As I was walking around the alleys of Boston I saw all types of food open on the ground.  I had a thought that all this food had to attract animals.  I saw plenty of pigeons pecking at the food and as I was walking home snapping my last few pictures I saw a small rat.
When you walk around Newbury Street and you do your shopping, trash will line the parking spots on the sides of the roads.  There are plastic bags and plastic bottles and anything left over from tourists and locals. 
It costs you nothing to throw away your trash in a trash bin.  It makes the city look better and as you walk around your home you like to see it clean.  It would cost Boston and the taxpayers way more to clean up the streets when citizens can avoid all of that and throw away their waste.

The city is calling out to its residents to help.  They give everyone the tools to have a clean city, they have two days a week dedicated to trash and they have signs and bins everywhere.  If the people would just be less lazy and go the extra mile and throw out what they have properly the city would be transformed back into beautiful. 
Here are some more pictures:

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